Revitalize & Restore
WE EXPECT A LOT FROM OUR SKIN We want it to remain blemish- and breakout-free while consistently exposing it to potentially harmful and aging forces like the sun and other environmental elements.
WE EXPECT A LOT FROM OUR SKIN We want it to remain blemish- and breakout-free while consistently exposing it to potentially harmful and aging forces like the sun and other environmental elements.
THE PAST FEW MONTHS have been challenging for many, but stressful times always underscore the importance of good self-care, says Jackie Carr, RN, ANP-BC, LE, owner of PurOne Medispa in Des Peres.
Jackie Carr, RN, ANP-BC, LE attended the AES 2019 event in Miami, Florida. She is back at PUR ONE MEDISPA and ready to educate and apply both on- and off-label treatment applications with Neurotoxin and Dermal Filler to address the aging face and body.
We’ve heard it all before: “Take your vitamins, eat your vegetables, and go to sleep early.” But these are only some of the things that you should do to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
As a parent, you have probably become used to putting others’ needs ahead of your own. You might be thinking that you don’t have the time or resources to work on yourself and you have to shelve your needs until another time.
The calendar just turned another page, and we have rung in 2019. As the years progress, it can become more and more challenging for your outer appearance to match the goals that you have set for yourself.
As a woman, you’ve probably already researched how to properly take care of your skin. You know the importance of preventing signs of aging with quality skin care products, and it’s likely that you’re already applying some of your favorite products day and night.
While urban living has its pros and cons, perhaps one of the biggest downsides is urban pollution and the effect that it has on all of us.
Skincare is an investment process. The more effort you put into it now means the better results you will get years from now.
We have all heard talk of the dreaded double chin. This condition is also called submental fullness. It is a section of fat cells that collect in the submental area below the chin.
Looking to bring back your youthful glow? Get your FREE consultation with PUR-ONE MEDISPA, today!
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